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Sand Lake Center for the Arts

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2880 NY 43
Avrill Park, NY 12018 United States
518-674-2007 slca-ctp.org

Past Events

November 2015


“Down with the Rent!”

Saturday, November 21, 2015, at 7:30 pm EST
Sand Lake Center for the Arts, 2880 NY 43
Avrill Park, NY 12018 United States

The Anti-Rent Rebellion of New York

A concert of New York State’s hidden history in a performance of authentic songs and stories written and sung by Anti-Rent protestors in the 1840s. antirent.oldsongs.org

At the Sand Lake Center for the Arts in Avrill Park, NY.

Tickets: $20 in advance, $25 at the door
For Tickets go to: slca-ctp.org/events.htm

November 2017

“Forward into Light”

Saturday, November 11, 2017, at 8:00 pm EST
Sand Lake Center for the Arts, 2880 NY 43
Avrill Park, NY 12018 United States

Sand Lake Center for the Arts
2880 NY 43, Averill Park, NY

Featuring performers: Greg Artzner, Dan Duggan, Terry Leonino, Peggy Lynn, Annie Rosen, Bill Spence, Toby Stover, Susan Trump and George Wilson

Music on piano, guitar, bass, hammered dulcimer, harmonica and concertina.

A concert of New York State’s hidden history in a performance of authentic songs used to persuade, rally and celebrate as sung by women and men during the American Women’s Suffrage Movement. Songs which range from humorous to poignant, from strident marches to hymns, and popular parlor songs. Through historical narrative and the songs we will tell the story of how American women won the right to vote in 1917 in New York, and 1920 in the nation. forwardintolight.oldsongs.org

Produced, directed and compiled by Andy Spence. An Old Songs Production. © 2016 Old Songs, Inc.

Tickets: $20

For more information on tickets or the venue please contact the
Sand Lake Center for the Arts
at 518-674-2007 or info@slca-ctp.org.

+ Export Events

Old Songs, Inc. is a not-for-profit, educational, 501(c)3 corporation

Virtual Office Hours: Monday–Friday, 11 am–4 pm.
PO Box 466 • 37 S Main • Voorheesville, NY 12186-0466
(518) 765-2815 • info@oldsongs.org