Beginner Hammered Dulcimer (10 – 11:30 am)
Award winning Hammered Dulcimer player and teacher Dan Duggan will show students the layout of the instrument and teach some simple chords and tunes. Dan will bring 8 dulcimers for students to play. If you have ever wanted to learn to play the Hammered Dulcimer this is a perfect opportunity.
Intermediate Hammered Dulcimer (1 – 3 pm)
Dan will work with the class to better know your instrument and teach several tunes and different playing techniques to help make you a more complete player. The class will also touch on some music theory. Don’t miss this opportunity to fine tune your dulcimer playing and style.
The workshop will be held in person at the Old Songs building (37 S Main in Voorheesville). If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID, the flu, or a cold (cough, runny nose, sore throat, or fever) at the time of the event, please stay home, and ask for a refund.

Dan Duggan, nationally touring performer and teacher is rapidly being acknowledged as one of the finest dulcimer players and composers in the country. As recipient of the prestigious National Hammered Dulcimer Championship, Dan’s accomplishment, though based on technical merit, is even more considerable as he is the first winner to have performed all original compositions. Dan has released six recordings of original music and several recordings with his wife Peggy Lynn, Jamcrackers and The Susquehanna String Band. For over 40 years Dan’s performances and workshops have delighted audiences from Maine to California.