Spring into Uke on a Cloud
Saturday, April 17, 2021
That’s right strummers and pickers… Spring into Uke at Old Songs goes virtual this year and it’s real, on April 17!
Featuring Lil Rev and Ron Gordon teaching great new tunes, tips, and songs in an interactive virtual space with Zoom.
Our workshops will be longer than was standard to allow time for lots of learning and interaction. What used to be “handouts” will all be available online ahead of time along with sound files to be ready for, and to enrich your experience. New ways to learn will be a round robin seminar, with demo to acquaint ukers with new musical concepts, techniques, and answers to your questions about our beloved 4 strings. An example — why a low versus a high G string? Do I need both? (Hint: that means you get to have two ukes!). Also, we’ll change the thinking on what’s a concert — you can play along with some songs, since you’ll have the song sheets ahead of time. Limited number of participants so get a spot early! Hope to see you there, and stay healthy!
All Workshops will take place over Zoom. No Refunds.
Full Saturday Schedule:
- 9:30–10:15: Introduction — Q&A: Tech access for today, workshops, etc.
- 10:30–noon: Workshops — Session 1
- Lil Rev: 12 Essential Strums Patterns with songs
- Ron: Finger Picking Patterns with 2–3 songs
- noon–1: Lunch — “Catch Up” with some social time
- 1–2: Seminar/Round Robin — New Directions and Innovations on the Uke. A Uke Can Do THAT? With demos, techniques, jump starting your next uke quest…
- 2:30–4:30: Workshops — Session 2
- Lil Rev: Intro To Slide Uke & The Blue
- Ron: Ukulele Ike’s Ukulele — Tin Pan Alley and Jazzy Uke
- 4:30-5: Break
- 5–6:15: Concert —Rev & Ron, R squared!
Some of Ron’s set will include song sheets to follow/play along with John Prine songs. A tribute to one of the greats! We’ll cover the bases from blues, to old timey, jazz, classical, ragtime…
Play Along with John Prine songs — Songs Sheets:
(note: all workshop materials will be available to download one week prior)
with Lil Rev
12 Essential Strum Patterns
Open to all levels: Learn the 12 most important strum patterns including: calypso, reggae, blues, rock, country, waltz, Irish, do-wop and much more. Each style will include a song example.
Intro to Slide Uke & The Blues
A fun workshop exploring slide basics on the ukulele. We’ll learn all about Open C and G tuning as well how to find I, IV, V in these tunings, a couple of basic blues and old time tunes as well as choosing the right slide, muting and more! Bring a slide or use your finger until you get one! Handouts provided.
with Ron Gordon
Finger Picking Patterns
We’ll learn about arpeggio patterns and alternating thumb picking on the uke with a few songs to pull it all together. If you need this in your uke tool box, this is a great start.
Workshop Songs — Songs Sheets:
Ukulele Ike’s Ukulele
One of the great innovators of playing the uke, not to mention the first recorded scat singer! We’ll get into one of his strums (really 3 in 1), a jazz progression, and chord melody.
Workshop Songs — Songs Sheets: